
Stipend Application

Please note

Applications must be completed in English.
Deadline for applications is 15 July 2019. For any queries, please email


Do you meet the minimum requirement for this bursary?

Involvement in qualitative research and decision making

How have you used or produced qualitative research in the context of decision making? Please provide details and highlight activities you have been involved in.

Your involvement in the Symposium

Have you submitted an abstract or been invited to participate in a specific event or activity?
Please provide the following information:

  • Titles of submitted abstracts and your role within the abstract/workshop
  • Titles of submitted abstracts and your role within the abstract/workshop
  • Titles of specific meetings or event and your role within the event
  • List any other activities planned for the conference which may be of benefit to your organisation

The Stipend Committee will check the status of your abstract submission(s) when the applications are assessed

Benefit to your work and/ or for your institution

Outline how your attendance may benefit you or your institution?

Additional information required

  • All stipend recipients will be required to complete a brief (1 Page) evaluation report of their experience at the Symposium by 30 November 2019 and submit to

Funding request

Please provide an estimated cost in US dollars for attending the Symposium. Indicate for each item the full cost in the first column, and the funding amount you request for this item in the second column. If you need to convert costs in your local currency to US dollars, you should use the online converter:

  • The hotel and registration fee will be paid directly by the Symposium organisers and you do not need to include this in your funding request
  • Reimbursement of visa, insurance, and local transfer costs will require receipts
Full cost in US dollars Amount being requested
Flight (cheapest economy airfare)
Visa costs
Accommodation (max. of 3 nights)
Airport transfers

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